Enterprise concerns  

Main Business Challenges to Solve Strategies for Success

The client has lost visibility of the assets under his control and has no perception of the real risk and no tools to protect them.

The xMDR platform represents a single plane of integration which comes back to the user experience increasing the visibility either for single entities or all entities connected to an alert/ incident.

The perimeter of companies to access data has increased significantly in recent years, due to the explosion in digital solutions and systems. In this context, there is a lack of ownership and protection measures of the new ecosystem.

The XMDR platform, being vendor neutral, acts as a umbrella able not only to receive but also to interrogate the existing technology stack via HyperQueries thus performing a consolidation of information and risks.

Staffing shortages have a significant impact on the ability to make sufficient talent available.

The xMDR platform truly embraces automation and the controlled usage of AI to perform many of the low value tasks that analyst perform increasing the team efficiency.

Unpatched vulnerabilities are the main attack vectors that ransomware groups exploit to enter vulnerable networks.

The xMDR Platform does follow your company and its adversaries updating the detection mechanisms, staying up to date is simple, it´s automatic.

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